
[Ref.]那段光輝的日子!Nikon Nikkor標準鏡介紹_04

[Nikon Nikkor-S(C) Auto 1:1.2 f=55mm 大光圈標準鏡頭]


Nikon曾經設法生產過一支RF用的大光圈鏡頭:Nikkor-N 1.1/5cm。但對於SLR來說,設計大光圈鏡頭變得有些困難,因為後鏡組如果太突出,深入相機內部,反光鏡運動時很可能會碰擊而損毀。這就是為什麼Nikon發表第一部SLR時搭配的是小光圈的標準鏡頭,而直到1965年12月才發表頗負盛名的Nikkor-S 1.2/55mm。

Nikkor-S 1.2/55mm在生產了17萬5千支鏡頭後,於1978年4月停產。早期版本可能仍然標示"Nippon Kogaku",後期版本變更為"Nikon"。此外,55mm f/1.2這鏡頭只有過渡時期的Ai-spec版本,但卻沒有Ai-S版本。稍後她被Nikon於1978年7月發表的50mm f/1.2所取代。

注:想要瞭解更多的Nikkor 50~58mm鏡頭的訊息,你可以直接連結到Nico van Dijk的網站。

Credit: Images courtesy of Adorama® Inc. "Ebay - Mathew Duren" Website URL: Adorama.com, who also operates a popular Ebay Store. The center image courtesy of "Jone Quinn" who also also runs a popular Ebay Store where you can take a visit to scout for his extensive OM used items. Image copyright © 2006 All rights reserved. All images appeared herein are Copyright © 2006 of the respective contributors. All rights reserved. Please respect the visual property of the contributing photographer.

Specifications for a typical early version Nikkor-S AUTO 55mm f/1.2 lens
Focal length: 55mm; Maximum aperture: 1:1.2
Lens construction: 7 elements in 5 groups
Picture angle: 43° at infinity
Distance scale: Graduated both in meters and feet up to 0.6m and 2 ft
Aperture scale: f/1.2 - f/16; Aperture diaphragm: Fully automatic
Meter coupling prong: Integrated (fully open exposure metering); for the later Ai-spec version, meter coupling ridge provided for Al cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-Ai cameras; Cosmetic different
Attachment size: 52mm (P=0.75); Filter: 52mm screw-in
Dimensions: 73.5mm dia. X 58.5mm length (2-29/32 in. x 2-9/32 in.); Weight: 420g (14.8 oz); Accessories: 52mm Snap-On front cap (108 - 00 - 400), rear cap type F (108 - 00-01), 52mm screw-in (108 - 00 - 204) or Snap-On (108 - 00 - 200) lens hood, leather case (108 - 01 - 307), plastic case type S (108 - 00 - 300), flexible pouch No. 51 (108 - 00 - 302). Solely acts as a general guide for a typical version, actual spec of respective model may be differed from what is listed herein.

Credit: Image(s) courtesy of 'Shutterblade team' (e-mail)who specializes trading of new, used collectable cameras. The Company also operates a popular Ebay Store. All image(s) appeared herein are Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved. Please respect the visual property of the contributing photographer.


55MM F1.2 nIKKOR-S的光學結構(右圖)。



左邊是Ai-S版本,其光圈環與ADR(Aperture Direct Readout)環上的最小光圈是以橙色標示。


所有AI或是AI-modified鏡頭都有這對兔耳朵(光圈連動叉,meter coupling shoe),兔耳朵上有開小孔,鏡尾上有一道光圈連動菱(meter coupling ridge)。


[Nikon Noct-Nikkor 58mm f/1.2 fast speed aspherical lens]



NOCT-Nikkor 58mm與其他Nikkor大口徑(f/1.2)標準鏡的尺寸比較

長久以來,為了避免慧星像差的產生,攝影師們在使用大光圈鏡頭時都盡可能地避免使用最大光圈,尤其是面對多光點的夜景、或是散落在黑暗背景裡的光點。Nikon的設計師在Noct-Nikkor的鏡片組首枚使用了一枚非球面鏡片,用以矯正光圈全開時的慧星像差,從而改善成像品質,並減少光暈現象。鏡筒內部採用磨砂全黑金屬(black-finished inner metal surfaces)用以消除內反射現象,這項Nikon的技術可以有效消除耀光以及鬼影產生。Noct-Nikkor改善的光學系統可以在近距0.5m對焦時,保証幾乎沒有變形並同時保有清晰高對比的影像。

儘管她是大光圈鏡頭,她的尺寸卻相當緊湊,可以使用Nikon 52mm螺紋旋入的配件-Nikkor 70年代生產多數20-200mm鏡頭的共通規格,這意味著可以通用你的濾鏡等配件。

Credit: Image courtesy of Photo_Arsenal-Worldwide® Germany. The Companyalso maintains an active EBAY Store, trading many used and new photoequipment of various labels. Photo Aersenal can be contacted at PhotoArsenal Boris Jamchtchik, Altenfurter Str.16a 90475 Nuernberg GermanyTel.: +49 (0) 911/ 4008081 E-Mail: ebayshop@arsenal-photo.com.Arsenal has a office in Hong Kong, headed by Evan Wong. Address is:Ting Shan East Selling-Office Unit 210, 2/f., Mirror Tower, 61 ModyRoad, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: + 852/23126690 , fax.+852/23126691.Image(s) copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. Pleaserespect the visual property of the contributing photographer.


* 多功能用途。
* 超大光圈f/1.2,提供了觀景窗明亮的影像以利使用者對焦,同時可以降低快門速度,對手持拍攝來說是一大優勢。
* 鏡組中首枚的非球面鏡有效校正慧星像差與球面像差,尤其是慧星像差。
* Nikon的鍍膜技術忠實地還原色彩,並有效消除鬼影與耀光。
* Noct-Nikkor改善的光學系統可以在近距0.5m對焦時,保証幾乎沒有變形並同時保有清晰高對比的影像。
* 鏡筒內部採用磨砂全黑金屬(black-finished inner metal surfaces)用以消除內反射現象。
* 雖然是大光圈,但仍然使用通用性極高的52mm濾鏡接環設計。
* 雖特別為微光攝影所設計,但也能夠運用於任何拍攝主題,像是旅遊攝影、體育、婚禮拍攝等。

Specifications for NOCT-Nikkor 58mm f/1.2 Aspherical lens
Focal length: 58mm Maximum aperture: 1:1.2
Lens construction: 7 elements in 6 groups
Picture angle: 40° 50' at infinity
Exposure measurement: Automatic
Distance scale: Graduated both in meters / feet closes at 0.5m and 1.7 ft to infinity (OO);
Aperture scale: f/1.2 - f/16; Aperture diaphragm: Fully automatic;
Meter coupling prong: Via full aperture method; meter coupling ridge provided for Al cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-Ai cameras;
Filter Attachment size: 52mm (P=0.75); Filter: 52mm screw-in;
Dimensions: 74mm dia. x 63mm long (overall); 51.5mm extension from flange; Weight: 480g
Accessories: Snap-On Snap-On (HS-7); Rubber screw-in (HR-2); Lens case: CL-34A hard leatherette, No. 61 soft pouch, or CP-8 plastic


在Nikon SLR 測光系統的發展演進中,在1978~1979年,大多數的Nikkor標準鏡進行了檢討與改進後,將規格改良為Ai-Spec版本。事實上,在這段時間裡有四種Ai-50mm Nikkor標準鏡頭在產,她們是50mm f/1.2, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4, a new Nikkor f/1.8,以及由舊版本轉換的Ai-Nikkor 50mm f/2.0。


[Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 (Ai-spec) 標準鏡]

Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 Ai-spec做為先前f/1.2-55mm的後繼者於1978年7月發表。這是支擁有f/1.2超大光圈的鏡頭,她一樣擁有7枚6群的光學結構,46°視角,這比其前身的40°50稍廣(舊版的55mm)。 這支鏡頭在各方面的表現都優於其前身。


Credit: Image(s) displayed here are courtesy of Jim Salvas® where his EBAY STORE is one of my favorite spot to look for great images on used photographic equipment. Image(s) copyright © 2006. All rights reserved. Please respect the visual property of the contributing photographer.


底下展示的Nikkor 50mm f/1.2, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8以及Nikkor 50mm f/2.0,都是Ai-spec版本的。 Ai-spec鏡頭可以直接接上Ai Nikon機身並全自動曝光。同時,她們也都具備光圈連動叉,這樣鏡頭就能夠使用於那些non-Ai的SLR上。

Credit: Image at far left above, courtesy of Emanuele@Ebay Store, or company's URL Here

Credit: Image courtesy of Mr. Joshua Cohen, whose URL: jcohenphoto.com, as well as his Ebay Store have been my favorite spot. Image(s) Copyright © 2006.

儘管幾年後Nikon為了新型SLR的多種自動曝光功能(像是P模式下的AE,尤其是快門先決下的AE)而把鏡頭規格更新至Ai-S,但Ai-Nikkor系列仍是有著非常出色的品質而且幾乎是無可挑剔的鏡頭。許多Nikon FG,Nikon FA,Nikon F301(1984/5)的使用者都表示,他們使用Ai Nikkor鏡頭沒有遇到什麼AE的問題。

即便是今天,Nikkor 50mm f/1.2仍是Nikkor產品線中超大光圈的鏡頭。

* 正常的46°視角。
* 非常大的光圈。
* 微光下仍容易對焦與取景。
* 使用52mm濾鏡,這是早期Nikkor 20mm~20mm的標準規格,利於配件通用。
* 攝影用途包括室內與室外的快照,風景,肖像,抓拍,閃燈攝影,旅行攝影等等。

Credit: Image at left, courtesy of "neekon" (Joe Cabebe) from Hawaii, USA. image appeared herein are Copyright © 2006 of the contributor. All rights reserved.

Focal length/Aperture: 50mm f/1.2; Lens construction: 7 elements in 6 groups
Picture angle: 46°; Diaphragm: Automatic
Aperture scale: f/1.2 ~ f/16 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout scale
Exposure measurement: Via full aperture method; meter coupling ridge provided for Ai cameras and meter coupling shoe for non-AI cameras
Distance scale: Graduated in meters and feet from 0.5m (1.7 ft) to infinity (oo)
Weight: 390g; Dimensions: 70.5mm dia. x 59mm long (overall); 47.5mm extension from flange
Attachment size: 52mm (P = 0.75); Front lens cap: Snap-On; Lens hood: Snap-On (HS-12), rubber screw-in (HR-2)
Lens case: CL-34A; No. 61; CP-1; Teleconverter(s): usable with TC-1 2X(based on Nikon models), TC-200, TC-201S but not advisable.

